It was devastating when John’s father passed away from a heroin overdose when John was only 9. Constant clashes with his stepfather led John to start using drugs and alcohol...
“Without the Mission, I’d be dead.”
Paul found salvation in the unlikeliest of places. After his drug use left him homeless and broke, he was standing on a train platform when...
Robert had finally had enough. Embarrassed by his behavior and filled with grief about the man he had become, he knew he needed help. He says, “I was at my...
A father of three, Todd’s world changed dramatically when his four-year-old daughter passed away. The tragic loss burdened his family, further straining his already rocky marriage. Struggling to cope, Todd’s...
Some days it’s hard for Richard to believe he actually achieved his childhood dream of becoming a professional wrestler.
When he graduated from high school, Richard went to work with World...