22 Nov Holiday Gift Giving Opportunities for the Market Street Mission
At Market Street, we have several ways for you to partner with us in making the season brighter for the men in our Life Change Recovery Program.
Men’s Christmas Celebration.
Each year, we provide gift bags for all the men in our programs on Christmas Eve.
Since many of you have asked for how you can support these efforts, we’ve established an Amazon Smile Wish List In order to make this happen.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Market Street Mission every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same thing as Amazon.com, BUT with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us. To choose Market Street as your charity, use this link (smile.amazon.com/ch/22-6047486), and then don’t forget to start your shopping at Smile.Amazon.com!
Men’s Christmas Gift Link:
You can choose pre-selected gifts for children from birth to 17 years old, as well as items for the men in our program. Gift prices range from as low as $5.00 to $28.00 each. We are also looking for selected Gift Cards for some of the older teens, as well as the men. They are as follows:
- Walmart
- Target
- Dunkin Donuts
- Starbucks
- iTunes
- H&M
- Kohl’s
- Ulta
- McDonalds
- Burger King
You can have the gifts sent directly to The Market Street Mission at 9 Market Street, Morristown, NJ 07960, or you can drop them off 7 days a week from 8:00 am. to 9:00 pm. Please include your name and address, as we would like to acknowledge your gifts.
Please don’t hesitate to share this link with your family, friends or co-workers.
Thank you for your partnership in bringing Meals, Shelter and Hope to the people we are privileged to serve.